In this section we share our experience with different kind of hiking gear, such as for cooking, sleeping and wearing. We are slowly improving our gear and equipment to better fit our needs. Our goal is to always find good quality gear that’s practical, functional, nice looking and of course costs a reasonable amount of money. On top of this, the gear has to be lightweight to save your back.
This isn’t always an easy task and our advice is to take it one step at a time. For one thing it can become very expensive and you can easily end up with no money left for the hike itself! In the beginning it can be hard to know what your needs are and what you like to use and wear. If you don’t have any equipment, try to buy second hand and/or borrow some from your friends.
One part of this section concentrates on making your own gear. This is something we have a growing interest in, as it makes it easier to control the weight and get what you really want. We think making your own gear is a lot of fun. You can find out more about this in the section MYOG (Make Your Own Gear).
Under Packing you can find out what we put in our backpacks during our hikes. We think sharing this information can help others to get an idea what you need on a hiking tour and what it might weigh. Unfortunately we don’t have any old lists from our first hikes to compare with, but we can just say we have improved. We don’t think there exists a perfect list that suites everyone and there will always be something you want to change for the next hike.
MYOG – Make Your Own Gear
The Tarptent we have use the last three hikes, very easy and quick to set up and very light to carry (weigh less than 1 kg). Borrowed from some really nice hiking friends of Anna.