The Pyrenees 2010: Day 6

Pineta – Parzan

Our bodies were tired when me woke up. We had breakfast at the refuge and it took us a while to get started. We walked to the camping that was close by and bought some lunch, bread and canned clams.


Looking back at the steep mountain we climbed down from the day before.

Then we climbed up to a green plateau, in a nice little valley with a lot of day walkers. We had some problems finding the trail but finally we found it and started climbing. Pretty soon we stopped for lunch.


Typical lunch in Spain. Caned see food, tasted delicious.

Then there was a lot of climbing. We always thought we had reached the top… but no.


Finally we came to a new green plateau surrounded with rocks, very beautiful.


Green plateau surrounded by rocks.


Looking across the valley at the ”wall” we walked down the day before.

We continued with a short climbing to reach the top of this day (Small Col 2100m) .


Anna at the top, Small Col.

We walked slowly down on the other side of the mountain in a nice national park. Our bodies were sored from the day before. After about an hour we came to a parking lot and a road. We sat down and rested. There was only one family at the parking lot, we started talking to them and told them we were really tired. They offered us a lift down the road to our destination Parzan, we accepted. Parzan (1144 m) was a strange little town. It was on a highway with a big petrol station and a store. There was also a big hotel and some old stone houses. Our guidebook recommended Casa Marion. A house with modern flats, very fashionable for us! We bought food in the store and cooked in our kitchen. We had some wine and gave the rest to our neighbors in the flat next door, four nice people from Israel and Spain we got to know better later.


Casa Marion

After dinner we took a walk around the town.

We slept well in our big bedroom!