Collection of some flowers we saw in the Dolomites 2011

Potentilla nitida
– (sv: Glansfingerört)


Alpine Toadflax – Linaria alpina (SE: Alpsporre)


Einsel’s Columbine – Aquilegia eniseleana (SE: Klippakleja)


Rhaetian Alps poppy – Papaver rhaeticum (SE: Alpvallmo)


Some kind of Allium maybe Allium schoenoprasum (SE: gräslök)


In the family of Geranium






Blue Saxifrage – Saxifraga caesia (SE: Kuddbräcka)




Common houseleek –  Sempervivum tectorum (SE: Taklök)


Some kind of Larkspur we saw both yellow and blue/violett species – Delphinium (E: Riddarsporre)




Some kind of Dianthus (SE: Nejliksläktet)


(SE: Cyklamen)